BigTruck's Fan Page

BOD Scripting

Textures -> BaB.exe

Viewing Texture .mmp
goto MENU File/Open \BoD\Maps\Level\texname.mmp

decide which textures you want to use in your level
(to look at textures, highlight name in list and press Return key to make visible)

write down chosen texture names (case sensitive),

or create custom.DAT, by adding the texnames with .bmps as in format below

or use pre-defined texname.DAT files
.DAT file format

Pre-Defined texname.DAT files for game .mmps (ie. casa.mmp, chaos.mmp,etc) - complete set (19) of texture .DATs

to use .DATs, see LED/Textures below

Extracting .bmps from BaB

Using a screen capture program like WinGrab

Open BaB.exe

Load dwarf.mmp (or whichever .mmp you are extracting from)

Double-click on texture names on left to show pic on right

Start wingrab

Capture screen

Crop pic 256x256 (i use wingrab for this because if you dont move anything between captures, the selection area stays in the same place)

Save as texturename.bmp exactly - case sensitive

Repeat until all pics saved

Use photoshop or similar to batch convert to indexed mode, 256 colors, adaptive palette

Check names are the same as in dwarf.DAT and change to match if needed

Using PrintScreen and Photoshop w/ layers

Texture / Skins Tutorial by Tom Triffic

Compiling .mmps

texture pics must be BMP 256x256x256 colors

keep .bmps and in Bab.exe directory when compiling .mmp

create - list of .bmp textures to be imported format

Using .mmps

add code to levelname.lvl:
Bitmaps -> ..\..\Levelname\texname.mmp
levelname.lvl format