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Textures for LED Editing



GEN MMP allows you to make your own .mmp file.

It is very complex to select the appropriate textures for a map without the bmp files. Lerfox13 (12+1 in the RAS forums) has captured for us almost all the main map textures from the BAB tool. The bmp screenshots for mmp files are:

MMP Size (KB)

3arena 1.394
arena5 541
arena7 637
barb 2.517
barramaya 51
btomb 2.981
casa 1.251
castle 1.164
chaos 3.032
defile 3.264
desert 2.594
dwarf 2.901
ice 2.101
island 3.259
king 252
labyr 2.960
mine 2.711
nobjs 1.261
orcst 2.759
palace 2.145
ragnar 2.608
ruins 3.089
skl 198
tomb 2.657
tower 2.749
tutorial 2.209
vid 320
vid-tower 121
volcano 2.640

The internal textures names used in LED are very confused, so we have decided to reorganize the bmps.

The following categories have been created:

  • ARC - Arcos: arches and doors. (4.701KB)
  • EXT - Exteriores: outdoors, cliffs,... (4.901KB)
  • MAD - Madera: Wood. (4.747KB)
  • MET - Metal: Metal. (462KB)
  • MOT - Motivos: ornamental elements, fretworks,friezes...without visible wall. (4.745KB)
  • MUR - Muros: simple walls. (10.986KB)
  • MUA - Muros con adornos: walls with ornamental elements. (10.578KB)
  • SYT - Suelos y techos: floors and roofs. (10.803KB)
  • VID - Vidrieras: windows :) (695KB)
  • VAR - Varios: others. (908KB)

The bmps has been distributed among these categories. It is possible that some textures are not well classified and they can be repeated. There are several versions of some textures with different saturation grades, gamma settings,... but we have preferred not to eliminate none.

The bmps has been renamed with the following format:


CLS : is the class/category.
nnn : is a sequential number.
MMPName : is the source MMP file name.
RASName : is the original RAS name for the texture.

We have also created a catalog in PDF with all the available textures, very useful to choose one. And two reference charts to help to convert the names of the textures.

inally, we have created a python script ( to generate easily our own mmp file:

1. Copy at ..\Compilers\Textures Compiler folder.
2. Modify to point BODHome to the folder where you have installed Blade (for python lib stuff).
3. Make a ..\Compilers\Textures Compiler\mymap subdirectory.
4. Copy the selected textures (bmps)into mymap folder.
5. Start BAB and use the console to write:
import genmmp
genmmp.process ('mymap')
6. You wait until all the textures are processed to write:
6. You have a mymap.mmp file and mymap.dat file into mymap folder. You can use these files with LED as the originals MMPs from RAS. The internal names used in LED are CLSnnn: ARC001, VID007,...

We hope it is useful. It has been a quite expensive work. By the way, maybe it is not legal. As always, if RAS doesn't like it... we stop it.

Lerfox13 and Masklin

###### to make truecolours
Bab Well when i put in the (l1) file "TrueColourAlpha"

((l1 ,"TrueColourAlpha"))

Then it give me a error message something like can't open file.
But with TrueColour and the rest I've done it at the same way and it worked.

Re: Bab Hmmmmmmmm.........try this:

If it isn't that then make sure the bitmap names in the code
match the actual bitmap names exactly. Its all to easy to
get them slightly wrong.