BigTruck's Fan Page

BOD Scripting


goto MENU Tools/New Vertex

use vertices to create sectors
use matching vertices on shared edges

goto MENU View/Properties [v key]

set Floor height (-1 = 1 meter UP)
set Floor texture
set Ceiling height
set Ceiling texture

make convex polygons - use 3 or 4 sides if possible -
all points must be able to reach any other point in the sector in a straight line without leaving the sector.
if in doubt, a good way to check / fix non-convex sectors is to:

Select the sector, right-click menu- Divide in convex. if nothing happens the sector is fine, and if it is non-convex then LED will cut the sector to make it convex (you will see a new edge appear through the middle of the sector)

goto MENU View/Properties...

Set Texture
X = position offset of texture in pixels;
Y = position offset of texture in pixels;
Zoom = the scale of the texture (10 is a good start);
Angle = the rotation angle of the texture; many game textures need to be rotated +90
there is a drop-down to select texture name in it, w/ preview;

Edit Texture Placement in OpenGL preview

see OPENGL below