BigTruck's Fan Page

BOD Python Scripting

15 - Death of Enemies

Sometimes you need to call a function when an enemy is killed. All chars have a function in their data that processes their deaths: launches death animation, drops their weapons, etc. You need to tap into this function. (It is called an ImDead func).

After enemy is created, add this after the creation code:
			ork1.ImDeadFunc= Ork1DED

			# In DefFuncs:

			def Ork1DED(entity)
				if me.Data.OldImDeadFunc(entity)
				print "Ork1 is dead..hahahahaha. Opening door"
When "Ork1" is killed, "Door1" will open.

Little mention here about Scheduled functions. Sometimes you want to delay function call.
Bladex.AddScheduledFunc(Bladex.GetTime() + 5.0, door1.OpenDoor,())
This will delay the call for 5.0 secs.

If the delayed function has arguments, put them in the (). (It is called a 'tuple' in Python.)
Bladex.AddScheduledFunc(Bladex.GetTime() + 5.0, OpenGate,(gate1din,))
** don't forget the , after the args. (gate1din)) don't work.

But say you have group of enemies (3 Orks?) in a room. You can't get out and you have to slay them all before the exit door will open. This type of scenario occurs lots in the game. Ok, you use the ImDead
code above. BUT how do you know which one will die last? You can't rely on them being killed in order. The answer is use a variable as a counter:
			Group1Orksdead = 0  # declare you var

			def Group1OrksDED(entity):
				global Group1Orksdead # declare the var as a global var
				if me.Data.OldImDeadFunc(entity)
				Group1Orksdead = Group1Orksdead +1
				print "Another one bites the dust"
				if Group1Orksdead ==3:
					 Bladex.AddScheduledFunc(Bladex.GetTime() + 5.0, door1.OpenDoor,())
					 print "Group1 Orks all dead - open exit door"
Make it so that all three Orks have the Group1OrksDED func assigned to the ImDead routine. As each dies the function is called and the value of the Group1Orksdead var is increased by 1. As the last Ork is killed (don't matter which one) this value is increased to three and the 'if' clause becomes TRUE. The scheduled func is called and exit door opens 5.0 secs later.

Actually, there is a ready made method in that does the same thing. I thought I would demostrate the counter principle as it is usefule in lots of other cases.
			# define the group
			Group1Ork.OnDeath= DoSomething

			# add enemies to group
			Group1Ork.OnDeath= DoSomething

			Group1Ork.OnDeath= DoSomething

			Group1Ork.OnDeath= DoSomething
The DoSomething func is called when all group members are dead.